The classical name of the potato is Solanum tuberosum. It is the most common and essential food source and is used as staple food worldwide due to its health benefits. It is commonly found in the Andes, Peru, and Bolivia. Potatoes were first grown in Central America and South America 7,000 years ago.

These are very nutritious. It contains the most starch. It is also rich in potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C. It also contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. Its carbohydrates and proteins are converted into glucose and amino acids, which give the body instant energy. 

These are tasty to eat, but they also have many medicinal properties that improve digestion, lower cholesterol levels, help prevent heart health, cancer, and diabetes. It strengthens the immune system, reduces the signs of aging, protects the skin, lowers blood pressure, insomnia, and maintains eye health. Also, potatoes contain a variety of antioxidants that protect the body from the damage caused by free radicals.

1. Benefits of potatoes for weight gain

According to a study, potatoes can help with weight gain. It is a healthy option for weight gain. Potatoes are mainly carbohydrates and contain very little protein. Lean or thin, it is an essential food for those who want to gain weight. Potatoes contain vitamin C and vitamin B, which also help in the proper absorption of carbohydrates. It is one of the reasons why potatoes are a big part of the wrestlers' diet.

2. The benefits of potatoes for hair

Consuming it can prevent your hair from turning white prematurely. Boil the skins in a pan. The water level should be sufficient for good immersion in the skin. After boiling well, strain the water in another pot. After shampooing, wash your hair with this water. It will maintain the natural color of your hair. For best results, do this procedure once every two days.


3. Boiled potatoes are useful for digestion

Being mainly carbohydrates in it, they facilitate digestion. It is considered suitable for those children or those who cannot digest dense food but need energy. However, keep in mind that eating too many potatoes can lead to heartburn. Raw and cold potatoes have higher fiber content than boiled or hot potatoes. It increases pestletic speed, and gastric juice's secretion facilitates digestion and prevents conditions such as constipation, which protects the body from severe diseases such as colorectal cancer.

4. Benefits of applying potato on the skin

Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex and minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc, are suitable for the skin. Also, raw honey mixed with honey can work to improve anal skin and face. It also helps in treating pimples and scars on the surface. If its pulp is applied to the burnt area of the skin, it will be treated well. Its pieces are very beneficial for keeping the skin clean and soft, especially on the hands' elbows and backs.

5. Preserve the properties of potatoes from scurvy

The vitamin C present in it can help prevent scurvy caused by a deficiency of vitamin-C or ascorbic acid. It can lead to anemia, weakness, gum disease, and skin problems. Vitamin C deficiency also affects the immune system, cholesterol metabolism, and other functions. Vitamin C in it is also useful for pale lips, bleeding, and viral infections. Vitamin C, which is abundant in it, is a natural remedy for scurvy. Scientists believe this could prevent the scurvy problem from escalating.


6. The benefits of potato juice give relief from arthritis

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, it contains magnesium and potassium that help maintain bone health. These minerals help prevent bone loss in both men and women. Vitamins like calcium and magnesium present in it help in reducing arthritis. Also, the water obtained from boiling water gives relief from pain and arthritis. However, due to excess starch and carbohydrates, it increases body weight, which can adversely affect people with arthritis. So it can be used as a combination even without using it.

7. Potato benefits are useful in inflammation

These are very effective in reducing inflammation, both internally and externally. Because it is soft, it is also easy to digest. It also contains Vitamin C, Potassium, and Vitamin B6, which relieves inflammation in the intestines and digestive system. It is a perfect diet for oral ulcers. People suffering from arthritis and gout can use it to reduce swelling. According to a study, glycocholoids (bitter compounds in vegetables) and its bark have anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains compounds called anthocyanins, which are beneficial in reducing inflammation.

8. The medicinal properties of potatoes protect against cancer

Certain types of potatoes, especially red and brown, contain flavonoid antioxidants and vitamin A, which can protect you from many types of cancer. According to research in the Agricultural Research Service, potatoes contain a compound called quercetin, which has anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. Finally, high levels of vitamin A and vitamin C have antioxidant properties that protect your body from cancer's devastating effects.

9. The benefits of eating potatoes reduce high blood pressure

High BP - can be due to nutritional imbalance, diabetes, stress, indigestion, and many other reasons. Fortunately, potatoes can reduce many possible causes. Its use can reduce high blood pressure due to stress. It can also treat indigestion as it is rich in vitamin C and fiber, but don't eat it if you have high BP due to diabetes. The fiber in potatoes helps lower cholesterol, which in turn improves the function of insulin in the body, which helps lower blood pressure. Since potassium acts as a vasodilator, the potassium present in it helps in lowering blood pressure.

10. Potato intake is good for the brain

Brain function depends on proper levels of glucose, oxygen supply, various components of the vitamin-B complex, fatty acids such as amino acids, and omega 3. Potato Met all the requirements mentioned above. It contains high carbohydrates and maintains good blood glucose levels. It prevents brain fatigue and keeps your cognitive activity and efficiency high. The brain needs oxygen, which is sent to the brain by hemoglobin in the blood. These include vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, zinc, and vitamin B, which have a positive effect on brain function.

11. Potato is beneficial for the heart

In addition to vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, and minerals, it also contains some substances called carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin). Carotenoids are beneficial for heart health and other internal organ function. But potato raises blood glucose levels, but consuming too much can lead to obesity, which puts pressure on your heart. So keep in mind how often you are using it for health.

12. Potato remedy for kidney stones

Kidney stones are mainly caused by increased levels of uric acid in the blood. In such cases, proteins, especially meat, turkey, shrimp, fish, eggs, and milk, and spinach, raw bananas, black gram, and some beans have high uric acid levels. Increase. Potatoes are rich in both iron and calcium, they are not only considered an excellent remedy for kidney stones, but they also contain magnesium which proves to prevent the retention of calcium in the kidneys and other tissues. Is it beneficial for the treatment of kidney stones?

13. Potatoes have benefits to prevent diarrhea

Diarrhea Potatoes are an energy-rich diet for people with diarrhea, as they are easy to digest. However, sometimes eating too many potatoes can also cause diarrhea.

The right way to eat potatoes

This vegetable is mostly used in cooking. Mix potatoes in any vegetable and eat. You can also eat potato pudding. Its parathas are made in every home and are also very tasty.

The right time to eat potatoes

Eating a healthy breakfast in the morning lowers calorie levels in the body. It is considered best to eat as a snack. But do not eat it every day. If you take it as a snack three times a week, you can get health benefits.

Other benefits of potatoes

According to research, potatoes can have a positive effect on your immune system. According to studies, potatoes reduce the number of leukocytes in the body formed in the human body due to inflammation or any other disease.

The fiber in it helps in lowering cholesterol. These are good sources of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which maintains cholesterol levels.

According to a study, drinking its juice relieves the symptoms of PMS. The carbohydrates present in its juice can increase the level of tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid that increases the production of serotonin in the body. Serotonin is known to improve mood and reduce anxiety.

Tryptophan is naturally found in potatoes, which helps in good sleep. Also, the potassium in potatoes relaxes the muscles, which helps in restful sleep.

Potatoes contain Vitamin C, which helps in healing dry skin. Make a paste of grated potatoes and half a teaspoon of curd. Apply it on your face for 20-25 minutes and then rinse your mouth with water. Use it regularly to get better results.

Side Effects Potato 

 Do not eat spoiled or rotten potatoes as it can have toxic effects on the body.

 Its leaves and greens are often poisonous because they contain alkaloids such as solanine, checonin, and arsenic. Excessive amounts of these chemicals can be harmful.

 Also, its glycemic index (above 80) is very high, so it should be avoided by people who are obese and lose weight or have diabetes. Eating in large quantities can lead to complications such as blood sugar imbalance, loss of appetite, and type 2 diabetes.

 Fried potatoes are low in solanine and therefore, can be eaten by pregnant women. But avoid the use of raw potatoes.

 If these offset your blood sugar levels, you may increase your appetite during meals, which can also increase your weight. Making potatoes with popular fat toppings like butter, cheese, bacon, and cream can increase the fat and calories in your diet, which also helps in weight gain. Fried potatoes and potato chips are rich in fat and calories.

 All foods rich in starch except rice promote flatulence during digestion. However, substances have different effects on people's gas symptoms. But it can eliminate gas and swelling. Overeating of it can cause gas problems.

 While this has not yet been proven, some people believe that nutty vegetables, including tomatoes, peppers, and white potatoes, can cause inflammation and joint pain.