Eggplant is a vegetable mainly found in the Indian subcontinent but is now found in cultural cuisines worldwide. This purple or glossy black fruit may be larger than a foot in wild varieties, but it is smaller in regular farming. Its cultivation began in the Middle East and the Mediterranean 800 years ago and has been discussed in England since the 16th century.

11 Significant Health Benefits of 'Eggplants' - Healthwould

Different types of eggplant are consumed worldwide, and in many ways, they are included in the dish. It is commonly called the King of Vegetables in India, as it is the most versatile and functional food in the cultural heritage. It is used alone in soups, stews, sauces, and many other dishes. It is not only delicious but also good for your health.

It provides you with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It contains Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Thiamine, Niacin, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Copper, Fiber, Potassium, and Manganese. It does not contain cholesterol or saturated fat.

1. Eating eggplant increases digestion

Like other vegetables, it is a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber is essential for gastrointestinal health and regular bowel function. Fiber increases the movement of your intestines, which keeps digestion proper.

Fiber eventually stimulates the secretion of gastric juice from which the processing of substances absorbs nutrients. Fiber is beneficial in heart problems. It removes reduced cholesterol, which causes blood vessels and arteries to close, which leads to atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke problems.

2. Lose weight by eating eggplant

It contains almost no fat or cholesterol. It is very healthy food for people who are experiencing weight loss or obesity. It contains fiber, which prevents the production of ghrelin hormone. This hormone tells our brain that we are hungry again. It makes you perfect and prevents you from overeating, which helps you lose weight.

3. Eggplant benefits for cancer

It also has antioxidant properties that protect you from a variety of diseases. It contains vitamin C, which is an essential part of your immune system. It makes white blood cells in the blood and increases their activity. Also, it contains manganese, which is a natural antioxidant. The nasunin and chlorogenic acids help fight free radicals. Also, they have antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Free radicals are a by-product of cellular metabolism that can invade healthy cells and convert DNA into cancer cells. Antioxidants protect your body from cancer and other diseases, including heart disease. Nasunin helps prevent anxiety, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia in the brain due to free radicals.

4. The benefits of eggplant for bone health

These are beneficial for bone health. It stops bone collapse and helps with osteoporosis. It contains phenolic compounds that reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis, strengthen bones, and increase bone density.

It contains iron and calcium, which makes bones healthy and strong. Eggplant contains potassium, which increases calcium intake, and therefore eggplant is considered very good for osteoporosis and bone health.


5. The properties of eggplant eliminate anemia

Iron is an essential mineral for your overall health; its deficiency increases anemia. Weakness causes headaches, fatigue, weakness, depression, etc. Therefore, the iron found in eggplant helps to fight anemia. It also contains copper. Both of these minerals help increase the number of red blood cells, which gives energy and strength to the body.

6. Medicinal properties of eggplant for the brain

It contains phytonutrients that act as a booster for cognitive function and general mental health. Protects against free radicals, but it also helps protect the body and brain from toxins and diseases and increases blood flow to the brain. Stimulates the nervous system to develop by providing more oxygen-rich blood to the mind. It enhances memory and the power of analytical thinking. The potassium in eggplant acts as a vasodilator and brain booster.

7. Eat eggplant and keep the heart healthy

It is also beneficial for heart health. It helps reduce the presence of bad cholesterol in the body and raises good cholesterol. Cholesterol balance in the body decreases depending on the food eaten. LDL cholesterol can be used to prevent heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis. Purple contains bioflavonoids that help lower blood pressure and thereby reduce stress on the cardiovascular system, which in turn improves heart health.

8. Eggplant good for diabetes

It is high in fiber and low in soluble carbohydrates that help balance diabetes. Eggplant balances glucose and insulin action in the body and helps with problems like diabetes.

9. Eggplant benefits for pregnant women

It contains folic acid, which is beneficial for pregnant women. Folic acid directly protects infants from neural tube defects that can occur in several ways. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to include folic acid in their diet.

10. The benefits of eggplant for hair

It is rich in minerals, vitamins, and water, strengthening the hair follicles and helping to nourish the scalp. For this, take a small eggplant and add 10- salt to it. Rub on your scalp for 15 minutes. Now wash your hair with lukewarm water and mild shampoo. Perform this procedure twice a week for best results.

11. The benefits of eggplant for the skin

The plant is rich in nutrients that can work wonders on the skin. It also helps to reduce the signs of aging without making the skin soft and smooth.

Eggplant is rich in minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber, it cleanses your system from the inside out and makes the skin beautiful.

It is perfect for dull and lifeless skin due to sun exposure. It contains good water, which helps keep the body and skin hydrated, and the minerals and vitamins help to keep the skin clean and smooth. Winter cold causes the skin to lose its natural moisture, and the skin becomes dry and itchy. It is excellent for this.

It helps keep the skin hydrated; for this, you should take 50 grams of chopped eggplant, two teaspoons of aloe juice, and one teaspoon of organic honey. Now mix everything and make a smooth paste. Now apply it on your skin and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Now clean it thoroughly using a clean cotton ball. Rinse your skin with warm water and rub cosmetic ice on your skin for a few seconds and then air dry.

Side Effects of eating eggplant

Some of the disadvantages of eggplant can also be detrimental to health.

• It belongs to the nightshade family, which can cause allergies. Although eggplants like tomatoes or peppers are not known to be allergic, do not consume them if you are allergic.

• Pregnant women should not overeat of it as it is a diuretic and can harm the fetus.

• If you are taking anti-depressant medication, do not take it as it may reduce the effect of the medication.

• Fried eggplant tastes excellent, but many of its benefits disappear even after frying. It is because it absorbs more fatty oils, causing you to gain weight and damage your heart. Baking eggplant also retains its nutrients and does not cause problems like weight gain.