Spiny Gourd is a vegetable that you can usually see in the Indian market during the rainy season. It has many health benefits and is therefore cultivated all over the world except in the Indian subcontinent. It is also known as Tislel, Kakrol, Kankro, etc. It is mainly grown in the hilly areas of India. The life of its vine is 3 to 4 months.

The botanical name of Spiny Gourd is Momordica charantia, a plant of the genus Cucurbitaceae. In English, it is called Spiny Gourd or Teasle Gourd. It looks like BITTER GOURD and is smaller than BITTER GOURD. Its vine grows slowly.

13 Awesome health benefits 'Spiny Gourd'(Kantola) - healthwould

Benefits of Spiny Gourd

It is mild in digestion and is used as a medicine to treat various health problems. It contains various chemical compounds that are beneficial for the human body. It has 100 calories fewer calories because it has 100 calories. It is rich in various nutrients like fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants so let's learn its benefits-

1. The benefits of Spiny Gourd are useful in pregnancy.

During pregnancy, many necessary conditions can arise. One of them is a neural tube defect. Fresh green cantaloupe is a good source of folate (vitamin BC), which is essential for cell growth and regeneration. If pregnant women include it in their diet during pregnancy, they are less likely to have a neural tube deficiency.

2. Spiny Gourd's properties cure cancer.

One of the causes of cancer is the presence of highly toxic free radicals in our bodies. Fresh green beans from the pumpkin are a source of vitamin C, which is an excellent natural antioxidant. Vitamin C neutralizes more toxic free radicals from your body to reduce the chances of cancer.

3. The benefits of Spiny Gourd for the skin

It contains flavonoids such as beta carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. All of these compounds help reduce the signs of aging. It helps you keep your skin healthy. Also, it keeps the body healthy from various skin ailments.

4. Improving vision

It also contains Vitamin A, which is very important for good eyesight. You can include it in your diet to improve your vision. Its intake is beneficial for your eyes as well as your body.

5. Benefits of Spiny Gourd, Cure Fever

Boil its vine leaves in water for a few minutes. Add one teaspoon of raw honey in this vine water and consume it. You can drink this mixture to treat viral fever.

6. Spiny Gourd vegetable relieves hemorrhoids.

In hemorrhoids, you can use it as a medicine to get rid of hemorrhoids. Make a powder of it & Mix 5 grams of Spiny Gourd powder and 5 grams of sugar twice a day to cure hemorrhoids.

7. Spiny Gourd is beneficial in cough.

Coughing is a common problem in children and adults due to the suddenly changing weather, viruses, and bacteria. If you suffer from cough, you can take 3 grams of this powder three times a day to control cough. Respiratory problems are increasing rapidly due to fog and air pollution. You can use it to treat breathing problems. 250-500 mg Spiny Gourd root powder Mix 1 teaspoon ginger juice and 1 tbsp honey. It provides instant relief from any breathing problem.

8. Spiny Gourd is a kidney stone treatment.

If a person suffers from kidney stones, they can get relief from kidney stones using Spiny Gourd. Mix 10 grams of Spiny Gourd powder in a glass of milk or water and drink daily to remove kidney and bladder stones.

9. Spiny Gourd improves digestion.

It contains fiber, which helps in stimulating digestion. It helps to treat indigestion and constipation. So if you want to keep your metabolism better, start taking this.

10. Spiny Gourd helps reduce hair loss.

Hair loss is a common problem these days. Women or men suffer from all of the issues related to hair, such as white hair, premature dandruff, dry hair, hair loss, baldness. To reduce hair loss, rubbing curly roots on the hair roots strengthens the hair and stops hair loss.

11. The benefits of cockroaches in ear pain

If the ear pain is unbearable due to an ailment's side effects, then grind the roots of Karkotki, add it to the ghee, strain it, and put 1-2 drops in the ear to get relief from the ear pain.

12. Relieve swelling pain by eating fork

Nowadays, the chances of getting vitiligo are increasing; itching is one of them. It helps to get rid of the problem of itching. Cook the oil four times in the juice of the leaves of the Spiny Gourd, strain it when it cools down. Applying this oil is beneficial in skin ailments like herpes, itching, etc.

13. Eat Spiny Gourd to get rid of hyperhidrosis

If you are ashamed of excessive sweating, you can use cantaloupe to get relief from hyperhidrosis. Bathe the Spiny Gourd with powder. Use as a natural scrub. It will reduce excess odor and sweat. Apart from this, you will also get smooth skin.

Spiny Gourd is used as a fruit and vegetable. It has many years of root-like carrots. They were used in the treatment of brain diseases, acne or hemorrhoids, testicitis, and diabetes.

The fork is slightly bitter, sweet, warm. It destroys the three defects of air, bile, and phlegm is useful for fire (digestion enhancer), food enhancer, libido, absorption, a blood clot (removes bile from blood), and heart (heart).

Spiny Gourd's side effects

1. It can upset your digestive system, especially if you consume large amounts of its juice. You may experience abdominal pain or diarrhea. Consult your doctor if diarrhea or abdominal pain persists for two to three days.

2. As a result, it lowers blood sugar levels. It may be potentially beneficial for people with uncontrolled diabetes, but their intake is not suitable for low blood sugar levels. It is because its consumption can lead to high blood sugar levels.

3. Talk to your doctor before becoming pregnant or breastfeeding.

Take care.