'Vitamin K' deficiency and its symptoms


May include symptoms and signs associated with Vitamin K deficiency.

Accessible blue spots on the skin (indigestion)

Bleeding from the nose or gums

Unusually excessive Bleeding from the wound, skin piercing, injection site, and surgery

Too much menstruation

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract

Blood in the urine or Blood in the stool

1.  Vitamin C deficiency can lead to vision decreased

 Lack of It can weaken the eyes, which can cause reading problems?

 2. Muscle pain

When you walk, you start to get bored and muscle aches. It is a vitamin K deficiency.

3. General malaise

It often happens that we get tired for no reason. Vitamin K deficiency can also be a cause in such cases.

Vitamins A, D, C, Carbohydrates, Proteins, etc. Like all other nutrients, It is just as crucial for your body.

It plays a vital role in blood clotting, which is essential in preventing internal and external Bleeding.

Excess Blood can be essential for your body. It makes proteins that initiate a clotting process.
Vitamin K is divided into two parts: Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2. Its deficiency is more prevalent nowadays in people who consume junk food and processed foods instead of greens. 

Its deficiency is more common in young children than in adults, which is called vitamin K deficiency bleeding. But when adults are deficient in it, they become very dangerous to their health. In this article, I will tell you about the diseases caused by its deficiency in adults.

4. Heart problems

 Vitamin K2 in the human intestine is directly related to arterial calcification. Its deficiency leads to the formation of matrix carboxylated glutamate protein, which is responsible for heart-related problems. Studies have shown that about 57% of people who are deficient in vitamin K2 die of a heart attack. Therefore, to overcome its deficiency, eat more greens so that you get it.

5. Cancer

Man can die anytime, but nowadays, most people are dying of cancer. Vitamin K has anti-cancer properties that protect you from it.
But when this deficiency occurs, the chances of getting cancer increase, and it affects your lungs, breasts, colorectal, and prostate glands. Studies have shown that people between the ages of 35 and 64 are deficient in it, and most people die of prostate cancer. So you should include rich foods in your diet.

6. Osteoporosis

 Vitamin K is an essential nutrient for the body. It is necessary not only for your blood clot but also for your bone metabolism. According to clinical research, its deficiency causes osteoporosis, and especially in people over the age of 40, their bones become weak. Therefore, spinach, meat, etc., which contain it, should be consumed.

7. Excessive Bleeding

 Vitamin K protects you from internal and external Bleeding. Due to its deficiency, our Bleeding starts to increase even in small wounds, which can harm your health. Excessive Bleeding can also cause heart problems or anemia. Therefore, you should eat foods that are rich in it.

8. Easy to get hurt

You have all been hurt at least once in your life. But if a person is deficient in vitamin K, this minor injury can cause more Bleeding. People who consume foods that contain it are less likely to bleed.

9. Weak bones

After the age of years, those whose bones begin to weaken and are prone to fractures. Therefore, such people should take vitamin K supplements, which keep their bone metabolism good and also give them strength as they get older.

10. Aging

Looking older than your age means that your body is deficient in vitamin K. Its works to remove blemishes on your skin and make it glow. But if you are deficient in vitamin K, you may have several bones and heart-related problems that make you feel older. Therefore, to make a normal, active, and healthy lifestyle, you should include foods containing it in your diet.

11. Congenital disability

 Vitamin K deficiency is seen in most children. In such cases, underdeveloped bones, face, nose, or fingers can lead to memory loss, stunted development, and heart problems. Therefore, you should always check the levels of it in your children. Remember that It is essential for the body as well as other nutrients, so you should take greens leafy vegetables and dietary supplements so that you can make up for the deficiency of it and live a healthy and active life.

A. Diagnosis of Vitamin K Deficiency 

Besides, to previous medical information and a physical examination of the patient, the problem is examined based on the signs and symptoms of Bleeding and the timing of the blood clotting test.

Prothrombin time (PT) is the primary laboratory test performed to check the bleeding condition. It shows that once the Bleeding starts, how long the Blood stops if it stops excessive Bleeding, it means that the level of vitamin K in that person is shallow.

Sometimes other congestion tests can also be done to check for excessive Bleeding, blue skin, and other conditions such as:

  • Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
  • Thrombin time (read more - bilirubin test)
  • Platelet count
  • Platelet Function Test (Read more - What is Platelet)
  • Coagulation component testing
  • Fibrinogen (read more - CRP blood test)
  • Von Willebrand factor
  • D-dimer

Vitamin K levels in the Blood, even on rare occasions, can determine if there is a real problem. As this is not a regular test, in every laboratory, It's not performed, and it takes time to get results.

B. Treatment of vitamin K deficiency

Short-term treatments for Its deficiency include supplementation with food and injections. People who have a primary and severe problem are advised to take this supplement for a long time or a lifetime.

Although vitamin K can be obtained from food, it is also taken as a supplement. Its tablets are readily available in the market. These pills are mixed with some other nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. Vitamin K is also available in many multivitamin medications.