Are you suffering from 'Sleeplessness'? (2020)

Sleep is a precious gift of nature to all human beings and all living beings, and it is an essential physical and mental need. It takes a little more effort to meet basic needs like hunger and thirst. 

But sleep is a state of well-being that is easy to find in any place (even while sitting), gives complete rest, and provides a sense of well-being.

The poor and the rich, the young, and the old all need equal sleep, and they get it. Nature has also created a particular time like night for this vital need.

But some people are not so lucky in terms of sleep. Insomnia disorders make them equally anxious and restless. It is essential to know why something that is easily possible and obtained without suffering is so rare, impossible, or unsatisfactory.

1. Proper sleep

The newborn baby rests most of the time for a few days and wakes up occasionally for a short time. Babies usually rest for 2 to 3 hours in the afternoon and 10 to 12 hours at night. Older children rest for 8 to 10 hours. 

Young people need 7 to 8 hours of rest. For adults, 6 to 7 hours of rest is enough. As you grow older, their rest time decreases, and in old age, 4 to 5 hours of rest is enough.

2. The general method of sleep

Most people feel drowsy for half an hour after dinner, and most people fall asleep immediately or after 2 to 3 hours as usual. 

Sometimes they wake up in the middle (usually due to a dream or a voice outside), But they fall asleep soon after a short break. They wake up at 6 to 7 a.m. at their usual time. 

After such a long rest, everyone starts their daily activities with satisfaction and energy. 

Even if the body does not move during such a long rest, its chemical activity produces proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and other hormones and enzymes that are beneficial to the body and the brain. 

The next day's rest is just as disciplined, efficient, and useful as much as it is mysterious (to understand), enjoyable, and There is a fantastic physique that challenges scientists.

3. Specific things

In the case of rest, it is found that everyone has a specific time of rest, a particular situation, and a specific physical condition. 

Some fall asleep in the dark, while others fall asleep in the light of Zero Power. Someone rests on a cushion, while someone rests soundly. 

Someone takes a pillow or a sheet to his stomach and keeps the fan on and then goes to rest

Things created by the habit of specific space, specific sheets, specific habits complement the rest. Some disturbances in these rest habits can cause rest deprivation. 

But sleep comes immediately. E.g. The sudden light of a fallen lamp, the sound of a house or a house coming out, the barking of dogs in different streets, the duffer citizens chatting unrealistically loud for hours on the road,

If you get less rest due to many such reasons, after waking up in the morning, your eyes become watery, sluggish, and you feel like going back to rest

The body and head feel heavy. It doesn't feel as strong as it should. The next night you go to bed early and fills the gap.

4. Types and remedies for insomnia

Some physical ailments make it impossible to fall asleep. E.g., Persistent cough, aching teeth, aching ears. 

Many other more or less severe illnesses also make it impossible to fall asleep. Such causes need to be correctly analyzed and treated.

In the absence of specific physical ailments, most of the causes of insomnia are currently caused by mental disorders.

5. It takes time to fall asleep

Almost everyone has insomnia due to personal, mundane, or other problems. When such issues go away, or they get used to it, they fall back asleep. But that was not the case with some
Lack of rest for a long time leads to a habit of falling asleep only because of fatigue.

That's why having a relaxing chat at dinner. Spending time in satisfying entertainment, Proper and moderate reading can help you to fall asleep faster. Practicing hymns, chanting, and playing slow music make it easier for everyone to fall asleep.

Relaxation is a physical-mental exercise without medication that brings rest quickly. 

Leaving all limbs, muscles loose, joints loose, breathing calmly, and with ease & If the mind focuses only on this state of well-being, it automatically becomes sluggish and falls asleep.

Reducing the sensations, thoughts, and anxieties that come from outside creates a kind of relaxation in the brain's awareness center and Sorest. This is a general scientific theory: 

The expected and appropriate benefits of relaxation exercises for anxiety disorders. We are convinced with the actual patient that this is always the best way to fall asleep quickly.

6. Anxiety disorders

In this disorder, it is difficult to fall asleep due to the carelessness of many things. Due to sleep deprivation

Not falling asleep again. Eventually, rest falls off automatically, but it remains inadequate. It is beneficial for such people to take sleeping pills from their family doctor. If the use of these pills is limited (10 to 15) days, then rest can occur automatically (without capsules).

7. Depression

For such people, living life feels like a crisis. It seems impossible. A strange conviction is formed that confidence is going. The most frightening scene of the problematic future situation keeps dancing in front of his eyes.

It is difficult for these people to fall asleep with their eyes closed. They think that they are responsible for this situation because of this, their chests throbbing, their limbs swollen, and their sweat dripping. 

They rest only for 1 to 2 hours and then unbearable anxiety and depression of the new day.

8. Ominous thought disease

Will fail the exam, Illness of close relatives will be fatal, There will be losses in business, there will be no job advancement, A thief will come into the house at night Etc. 

Even if many kinds of evil and ominous thoughts are not real (100 percent) and still happen?

It takes 3 to 4 hours to fall asleep in this never-ending doubt.

9. Cowardice disorder

I'll have a heart attack or a brain hemorrhage in my rest. What if I have cancer?. I'm going to die if  I'm going to restThese people feel anxious, so it takes them 3-4 hours to fall asleep.

A. Confusion

In this psychosis, man feels doubt and disbelief about most other people. These people are convinced that there is a ghost, black magic, or enemy sitting in the room to kill them.

So hey spends the night inspecting all the houses with a secret but fearful look.
Sitting in one place and waking up for many such nights is called schizophrenia.

10. Waking up suddenly during sleep

After the first 2 to 3 hours of rest, one wakes up for some reason and wakes up early in the morning and falls asleep for only 1 to 2 hours. 

This condition is more common in anxiety and depression. This is how alcoholics wake up and have to drink to go back to rest.

In the case of depression, waking up at four in the morning, moaning or whispering They worry about how the day will go. 

On the other hand, people with mania start their daily routine with verses, hymns, or songs at 3 in the morning.

These include cleaning, cooking, bathing, and forcing others to do the same. They are unaware that all of this is hurting the family. They don't care about other's sleep.

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