One-minute healthy 'exercise' |Top 7 tips(2020)

Regular exercise is essential for good health. Some people exercise every day. So most people get bored with it. In a city like Mumbai, a lot of time spent traveling. 

So it is dangerous to go out in the rain. But now it is possible to take care of your health by exercising in just a minute. 

Discussions are going on abroad on how 60 seconds or 1 minute of workout is healthy for the body. There has been a lot of research on this exercise; that's what we're going to learn here.

1. Benefits of One-minute exercise

1. Taking a break from a little bit of exercise (ten minutes, seven minutes, six minutes, or even four minutes) in less time than exercising for a long time can improve your fitness.

2. According to a new study, one minute of strenuous exercise can improve fitness and health, out of an easy 10 minutes of workout.

3. For the younger generation who are very busy, one minute of intense exercise is a great option to keep the body fit and healthy.

4. Researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, have shown that with just 60 seconds of intense workout, you can increase your body's capacity.

5. Not only that, but you can prevent or avoid diabetes (type 2) in adults.

6.  Men and women who workout in this way have their blood pressure controlled.

7.  It has been observed that their physical capacity is increased, and the muscles in their body become more robust.

8. Instant workout cannot compare to a regular workout.

9. Regular exercise is better than immediate exercise in many respects. Although instant practice does not lead to much weight loss, it is beneficial for the body to stay fit.

2. Alternative of Traditional Exercise

If the regularity of the traditional long-running exercise is missed, its benefits also begin to diminish. If such regular exercise is stopped suddenly, it has terrible effects on the body.

It can cause pain in the limbs, bloating, and hernias. But now there is no reason to despair. According to ongoing research, one minute of strenuous exercise can be an alternative to the usual long-term workout.

3. Experts Say's

Japanese researcher Dr. Izumi Tabata demonstrated in the 1990s that his four-minute workout was as effective as a simple, moderate 45-minute workout.

In 2006, Dr. Martin Gibala's research team proved the usefulness of the short-term but intense dynamic workout. Now just one minute of training, be it aerobics or cycling; Has proven to be only as useful.

4. Quick Exercise 

Warm-up for 2 minutes, 20 seconds of intense exercise, 2 minutes slow, 20 seconds fast again,  It takes a total of 10 minutes with three slow cycles of 2 minutes and finally 3 minutes of cooldown.

Its use means that the lung's ability to take in oxygen increases, and their sensitivity to insulin increases. This type is more useful than never doing any workout.

Useful for those who want to run a short distance fast, then jog or relax a bit and run fast again or for those who want to stay strong and healthy.

 Bodyweight is used in this. So there is no need to rely on external tools. Also, reducing the time between two intense exercises is more beneficial.

5. Simple Home Exercises

Climb the stairs in or out of your home, Also going up and down a low chair in the house, Rope jumping and workout at home, Penal meeting(danda-baithak) in Indian culture, Sun salutation is a simple and easy workout you can do.

Also, various muscles in the body can be exercised by leaning on a table or chair in the house. 

A regular bicycle at home or a unique computerized bicycle for a workout is also useful. A few minutes of pedaling workout is helpful for the body.

6. Important

A. However, this 60-second instant workout is not for obese people or those suffering from bone, joint disorders, hypertension, and heart disease.

B. It is also essential to understand the technique and method of doing this; otherwise, it can cause injury and pain.

C. it is necessary to warm up while exercising.

D. Exercising too hard without doing so can be harmful to the body.

E. This type of exercise also needs to be done regularly.

F. Also, for athletes, this is not a perfect exercise option.

G. Those who do not have time should do 15 to 20 repetitions of intense exercise type to get the full benefit of it.

H. Rest time between two cycles should be kept short.

I. Keep in mind that even if it is quick, it is hard work.

J. Many people do not workout or avoid regular workouts because they do not have time every day.

K. Such people should understand the formula of an instant workout as a secondary option for daily 45 minutes of workout.

L. This immediate exercise of 60 seconds is useful for the servants. So no one can complain now that there is no time.

M. But with the help of understanding the techniques and the science behind it, it can be very healthy for many.

7. Some other workouts you can do at home

A. Beer crawls workout

 A. Start with the position of the pushups with the legs apart.

 B. Then move one step forward, bringing the left leg and the right arm forward.

C. Now take the next step with the right foot and the left hand.

B. jumping Jack
Image source - Google | image by - DOMINIQUE MICHELLE ASTORINO

A. Stand with both hands in a straight line.

B. Take both legs out of the body horizontally and, at the same time, place the arms horizontally in line with the shoulders.

C. Jump back and undo.

D. Do this jumping at least 20 times. Jumping jacks will make you feel like your body is moving.

C. Inchworm

A. To do this, first, stand up straight, bend at the waist and try to touch the ground with your fingers.

B. Slowly bring the upper body towards the ground and extend the arms.

C. Once in the pushup position, bring both legs close to the hand, taking small steps. Repeat this action.

D. Lunges

A. Stand up straight and keep your hands on your hips or keep your body in a straight line.

B. First, bend the left leg at the knee and move forward.

C. The knee should extend beyond the toe line.

D. Balance by bending the hind leg slightly at the knee.

E. Come back and do the same action by bending the other leg forward.

F. Do not bend the upper part of the body while bending at the knees.

G. This will keep the back stiff. This workout makes the body flexible and strengthens the muscles.

E. Mountain climbers

A. To do this type of exercise, start with the position of pushups, bring one of your legs close to the arm and keep it back in the position it was.

B.  Do the same with the other leg again.

C. Try to do this type as fast as possible.

D. These exercises are beneficial for reducing thigh and belly fat.

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