What Is 'Plasma Therapy'?(2020)

Convulsive plasma therapy has created some hope, and many other countries in the world, including India, want the help of plasma therapy to defeat the Corona. this therapy is said to have emerged as the 'basis' in this challenging situation.

The coronavirus, which left China in December last year, has now caught on in most countries of the world. 

The deadly virus has killed more than two million people worldwide and is not known for its devastation. Doctors and scientists around the world are trying to stop the coronavirus today, But the lack of vaccines increases the problem.

1. Where is plasma therapy being used?

These treatment methods are not new. This treatment is 100 years old. German physiologist Emil von Behing developed the therapy. Significantly, The first Nobel Prize-winning researcher in the field of medicine, as he was listed.

This therapy has previously been used in Western countries during the Ebola virus infection in 2010, MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) in 2015, and swine flu (SARS).

In Delhi, the capital of India, the state government started giving this therapy to six people who were sick with COVID-19.

And four of them have seen positive changes. Clinical trials of plasma therapy have also started in Karnataka this week. The Bihar government also wants to conduct the test at Patna AIIMS.

Kerala, which is the first in the country to talk about plasma therapy, will soon start working in this direction. More than 30 hospitals in different states of the country have sought permission.  

The British government clarified on Saturday that it has been providing this therapy to critically ill people since COVID-19.

The government has said it has started clinical trials and will try to get Plasma from the people to treat at least 5,000 patients. 

American Food and Drug Administration. Those who have entirely recovered from Covid-19 disease are requested to donate Plasma so that others can use it.

2. World Health Organization

According to the World Health Organization, convulsant Plasma was used to fight the Ebola virus. 

China, from which the coronavirus began to circulate the world, has been successful using this therapy. Work on this therapy began in China in early February.

Guo Yanhong, an official with the Chinese National Health Commission, said in late February that its use had proven to be safe and effective so far.

So can this therapy be considered an essential step in stopping the Corona's growing motion?

3. Experts opinion

SK Sareen, head of the Corona Panel in Delhi and a doctor at ILBS Hospital, says, "We have to understand that vaccines and this therapy are two different things. Plasma therapy is treating, but for the long term, you will need vaccines to prevent Corona. "

She says, "Vaccination is a preventive measure that everyone will need. Those who do not get this vaccine can get a corona infection and will, therefore, need treatment, and this therapy is useful for their treatment. "

The coronavirus infects people with COVID-19, in which the virus begins to spread in the early stages. 

After this, in the second stage, it creates a complication in the lungs. And in the third stage, the organs begin to fail.

Dr. Sareen says she expects the patient to survive if this therapy is given at the beginning of the second stage of infection. But this therapy cannot replace that vaccine.

She says it is a new virus, work on its vaccine is underway in many places but will have to wait until then. 

There are no anti-viral drugs to treat Covid-19 yet. In this case, unless anti-viral, the only hope is plasma therapy.

Dr. Sareen believes that until the coronavirus is cured, this therapy can be used extensively. She says that people should come forward to donate plasma for this and people can often donate blood for this because it does not cause weakness in the person.

4. The United States & India

At the time of the Corona outbreak, government health organizations in the United States and several companies working on Plasma formed a plasma alliance. 

These companies are trying to move forward with the use of this therapy in the treatment of Covid-19.

At the same time, different states in India are moving forward at their level with the permission of ICMR and the Controller General of Drugs of India, but there appears to be a lack of effort.

On this question, Dr. "India's case is a bit different. It's the government's job, and there's not much to say about it," says Sareen.

5. What is Plasma Therapy?

The treatment is to take the Plasma (fluid component of the blood) of a person who has been completely cured of the contagious disease 'COVID-19' and transplant it into the body of a severely coronary artery.

The blood in the human body consists of red cells, white blood cells, platelets, and Plasma.

With the help of this Plasma, antibodies with resistance are produced as required.

After the corona attacks, the body of the corona sufferer begins to fight the virus, Antibodies produced with the help of plasma fight the infection.

These antibodies are a natural drug that effectively prevents that virus.

These antibodies prevent any virus or external infection from entering the cells. It does a natural and active job of stopping the virus from multiplying.

Therefore, when enough antibodies are produced in the body, the Corona is destroyed, and the Plasma (containing antibodies) of the recovered patient is transmitted to the severe corona victim, which can save lives.

1) Usually, the donor can donate Plasma two weeks after the corona test is negative.

2) This process is similar to blood donation.

3) Generally,  it is Taken 400 ml of Plasma. These antibodies can treat two corona sufferers at a time.

6. Are there any risks in plasma therapy?

The dangers of plasma treatment are the same as the dangers of blood transfusion. There is a fear of affecting the immune system to some extent(Rarely).

Considering the above, plasma treatment may seem like a ray of hope for corona Patients, but in this case, some things cannot be ignored, such as, While researching plasma treatment, A small number of experiments have been done. 

Method of determining the amount (capacity) of antibodies.  How many months after corona release can this treatment be successful if the Plasma is donated?. At what stage of the Corona will this treatment be most useful?

There is no doubt that the use of this method will increase only after the completion of research in this regard.

7. 'The most important takeaway about plasma therapy'  

This treatment will not apply to every corona sufferer, so it will not apply to many corona sufferers.

A. Following all instructions given by the administration,
B. Maintain social distance,
C. Don't go out for no reason
D. Frequent handwashing with soap or handwash,
E. Wearing a face mask,
F. Changing the habit of spitting in public or elsewhere,
G. Use the right method when coughing or sneezing.
H. Put used masks and tissue paper in the dustbin.

  We can defeat Corona. Only by paying attention to these simple things and embracing them ourselves. This does not require plasma therapy😉.

be happy😍 to keep everyone happy😘