The scientific name of Ivy Gourd is Coccinia Cordifolia. In Ayurveda, it is known as Bimbi fruit. It is a tropical bell. It was first cultivated in Africa and Asia. People use it for cooking as greens; It is also eaten fresh while cooking.

If it is raw, it looks green and white. It is oval and smooth, and thus It is commonly called "berry". These diameters range from 15 mm to 60 mm in length. It turns a bright red color when cooked.
Apart from its taste, this vegetable is a good source of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. One hundred grams of Ivy Gourd contains 1.4 mg of iron, 0/08 mg of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), 0.07 mg of vitamin B1 (thiamine), 1.6 g of whole dietary fiber and 40 mg of calcium.

Benefits of Ivy Gourd

It is a very beneficial vegetable. Due to the laxative properties of this vegetable, it improves digestion and helps overcome the problem of constipation.

1. Benefits of Ivy Gourd in Diabetes

It has been used as ayurvedic medicine for diabetes since ancient times in India and Sri Lanka. Its long thin stem and the top of the raw leaves are cooked and chopped and added to the soup. This green fruit is used for salads or cooking and curry. According to research from the University of California, Ivy Gourd lowers blood sugar levels.

2. The properties of Ivy Gourd reduce obesity

According to research by Bankrongchep et al., its roots have anti-obesity properties. Potential anti-adipogenic agents in this plant may be appropriate to improve metabolic diseases induced by obesity.

3. Get rid of fatigue by eating Ivy Gourd

Iron can be obtained from vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Iron-rich foods should be included in your diet plan to relieve chronic fatigue in both men and women. Iron deficiency causes fatigue. It contains 1.4 mg of iron, which is 17.50% daily. So, by including this in your diet, you can stay fit and healthy and energetic in your inner and outer life. Iron deficiency can most likely be caused by weakness, fatigue, and other health-related ailments. People with iron deficiency cannot optimally perform routine functions.

4. Ivy Gourd strengthens the nervous system

Vitamin B2 is a water-soluble vitamin. The body needs a daily dose because it cannot be stored in the body. It plays a significant role in energy production and is a symbol of the essential nutrients in your diet. Along with its nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants, Ivy Gourd helps strengthen the nervous system. It helps to deal with others, including Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, numbness, multiple sclerosis, anxiety, and anxiety disorders. It is believed that vitamin B6 contains effective combating of the painful symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

5. Consumption of Ivy Gourd to maintain a healthy metabolism

Thiamine helps convert carbohydrates into glucose, an excellent source of energy that helps the body maintain a healthy metabolism. It also helps break down proteins and fats. The thiamine present in it is used by cells to convert energy into blood and plasma. Thiamine contains 0.07 mg of vitamin B1, which is 15.83% of the daily requirement.

The thymine found in Kundru also plays an essential role in the formation of red blood cells; it is used for continuous energy. Since thiamine and other B vitamins need to increase energy naturally. So you often need a B vitamin complex supplement that includes "energy-boosting" or even "healthy metabolism" products.

6. Ivy gourd is beneficial for the digestive system

The main benefit of a fiber-rich diet is to improve the health of the digestive system. Dietary fiber plays an essential role in increasing your weight and softening the stool. Frequent consumption of iron in it increases stool.

Fiber intake has various benefits for gastrointestinal disorders, including duodenal ulcer, hemorrhoids, gastroesophageal reflux disease, constipation, and diverticulitis.
Dissolved fiber lowers the digestive rate, usually ignoring insoluble fiber, which does not absorb water and speeds up when the stomach passes through the stomach and keeps your digestive system healthy.

As it contains Vitamin A and Beta Carotene, it acts as an astringent. It improves digestion. People suffering from constipation should eat this vegetable regularly.

7. Stop kidney stones from Ivy Gourd

A kidney stone is a crystalline type of calcium. The most typical type of kidney stone is the oxalate stone. It was previously thought that high calcium intake or excessive calcium absorption could lead to kidney stones. Still, modern research suggests that high-calcium intake reduces the risk of kidney stones.

It does not cause kidney stones due to low calcium, but the calcium present in the water causes kidney stones. Excessive oxalate intake of leafy vegetables like spinach and spinach and a low amount of kidney can lead to kidney stones.

1. Many naturopaths suggest that drinking its juice is beneficial for high blood pressure and heart disease.

2. It is rich in potassium, which helps the heart to function and prevents heart attack.

3. This amount of calcium strengthens the bones.

4. It boosts immunity and is the key to maintaining a healthy life.

5. It maintains a good mood and cures depression naturally

6. It has anti-histamine properties, which are useful externally for the treatment of skin irritations and allergies.

Side effects of Ivy Gourd

1. No side effects of this fruit are known or known. But bitter fruits can cause nausea and vomiting in some people.

2. Ayurveda also states that regular consumption can reduce intelligence levels, although no scientific study has been done in this regard.

3. Stay away from it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Because there is not enough reliable information about it. So the safest side is to avoid using it.

4. It can be caused by low blood sugar. If you have diabetes and are using it, keep checking your blood sugar.

5. Stop eating Ivy Gourd at least two weeks before surgery. It is because consuming it can lower blood sugar.