‘Depression’,its consequences and remedies | 6 main tips(2020)

The problem of depression is getting worse day by day nowadays, and people suffering from depression in this corona period are facing different issues. Some people are not even aware that they have depression.

According to the World Health Organization, India, the United States, and China have the highest rates of depression globally. In this time of the Corona epidemic, people are suffering from depression, the problems they are facing is a matter of concern.

This time is a tough time for people struggling with depression, and when the lockdown ends, then these matters will increase rapidly. 

Because the same lockdown happened in France in the 1990s for some other reason. After that, Depression was the biggest problem.

Although there can be many causes of bleakness, there are three leading causes of depression, How do you feel every day? Keep an eye fixed on that for two weeks. 

If you find yourself in a mood of depression, such as deep sorrow and things that you used to be interested in, like you are losing interest now, then you are probably a victim of bleakness. 

This symptom stays in your mind for a long time during the day, and you feel it every day for at least two weeks. These symptoms last for up to two weeks. 

After this, there are many symptoms, which do not appear for some time. These are called recurring episodes.

Depression changes mood, social behavior, changes in general behavior in the office. If the child is going to school or working, he may also stop going to school or work. 

This can be detected even if we interact with patients suffering from it. They do most of the negative things.

1. Should know the difference between depression and sadness

Depression is an emotional state that is caused by stress, major life events (both positive and negative), and even weather effects. 

The difference between sadness and grief can be due to the severity of its symptoms and its recurrence. If these symptoms persist for up to two weeks, depression can occur.

2. Depression for three reasons

There are many causes of depression, but there are three major ones. The first is genetic. Depression is more likely to occur if one of the parents suffers from depression or a family member or a relative commits suicide due to depression. 

The second reason may be personalized. In such a situation, even a small thing touches a person. The third reason is the atmosphere. Depression can occur when you are neglected or mentally disturbed.

3. Act like a friend with your child

If the child is suffering from bleakness, be his friend and listen to him. Don't yell at him. Treat with love. It also requires a healthy diet, 7-9 hours of sleep, and regular exercise.

3. Keep an eye on your activities like this

Write down what you did last week. Write your mood profile. Note patterns that affect energy, health, and sleep. Notice that you can see a profile in these activities? There is something wrong with some of the things you do.

 Ask people close to you if they notice any difference in your mood. Ask a faithful family member or friend. Communicate with yourself that  Have you seen any changes in your behavior?

4. What effect does depression have on the body?

1.   Loss of appetite and weight

2.   Insomnia or excessive sleep

3.   Fatigue and energy reduction

4.   Irritability, aggression

5.   High feelings of guilt or inferiority

6.   Lack of concentration, feeling confused

7.   Repeatedly thinking of dying or committing suicide, trying

8.   Job stress, being away from family, negative thoughts

9.   A chaotic routine

10. Feeling lonely in the behavior of the person participating in each task

11. Always be sad or worried

12. Lack of interest in anything

13. Difficulty concentrating and making decisions

14. Surrounded by suicidal thoughts

15. Feelings of restlessness

16. Complete separation from social life

 17. Alcohol and drug addiction

5. Weight gain and loss

If you have a lot of stress in your mind, if you are very depressed, you will eat too much or not eat at all. This can cause you to lose weight or gain weight.

6. Taking care

 If you take care of these things even if you are suffering from depression, you will be completely healthy, and you will not have any problems. At the same time, these things are beneficial for the common man.

Sleep for eight hours and eat healthy food. Exercise at home every day, in which you rely on stretching, meditation, and pranayama.

Stay away from negative news or thoughts and watch very few news and get the right 
news from some reliable sources. Read good books and watch good web series or watch TV series.

Pay attention to the positive aspects of every action and speech. Stay in touch with your relatives and friends through calls and messages. Introspect, and this is the right time to find out what is different and better in you that 

You can use as your passion in the future. Do not stop if you are taking medication, and if for any reason you forget to bring your

Prescription, Consult a doctor around you as an alternative.  Spend time cooking, gardening, drawing, and doing things you love and help people at 

home if possible. You can donate something to any NGO or any organization. Research  shows that helping someone makes you happy and makes you feel great.

Make a routine of your own so that your brain knows what activity to do at what time.  Your mind will be busy. You will not have time to think negatively because your mind is 

Active all day, so you will not get depressed. Engage yourself by doing something throughout the day. Try to stay away from mobile 

As much as possible. I know this is hugely difficult for you. But it takes time to break free. 
Once  you come out of depression, then again, you will fly like a party. Your life will go on as usual.


Don't depress. Always remember that whatever happens will be for the better.

be happy to keep everyone happy