Bitter gourd is famous all over the world for its health benefits. It provides many health benefits. It helps improve diabetes, hemorrhoids, respiratory health, and skin health. It strengthens the immune system and can also prevent cancer symptoms. It has anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibiotic, anti-allergic, antiviral, and antiparasitic properties.
And maybe that's why people love it, despite the bitter taste.

Both vegetables and herbs are rich sources of bitter protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, and many other vitamins. It is high in fiber and low in calories. It is a good source of linolenic acid (an essential, omega-6 fatty acid) and oleic acid (an unsaturated fat).

The right way to eat bitter gourd

 Every household prepares and eats this vegetable. It is also used to make pickles. This hair juice has many health benefits. Its juice gives relief from stomach ache. Taking it regularly is very beneficial for the body, but keep in mind that excessive consumption is harmful to the body.

13 Significant Health Benefits of 'Bitter Gourd'(Karela)

1. Benefits of bitter gourd for skin

Regular consumption of it keeps your skin glowing and flawless. It also has blood purifying properties that help prevent pimples.
Its use can also help treat skin diseases or skin ailments, such as eczema and psoriasis. Regular consumption of this juice can prevent psoriasis and other fungal infections.

It contains Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. It slows down the aging process and helps prevent wrinkles. It protects the skin from the sun's UV rays.

2. Other benefits of bitter gourd

It contains vitamin A and beta carotene, which helps prevent age-related macular degeneration and other eye problems such as cataracts.
HIV patients can improve their health if they consume bitter gourd juice regularly. Its juice improves digestion. It increases the production of enzymes that help the digestive process.

Regular consumption of this juice on an empty stomach eliminates many liver problems and helps in expelling toxins from the body. Eating it regularly can give you energy. It increases energy levels in your body and prevents laziness.

3. Control diabetes by eating bitter gourd

This health benefit is prevalent all over the world. It helps to lower blood sugar levels. It contains three active compounds called charantin, vicine, and polypeptide-P, which help prevent diabetes. It increases pancreatic insulin production and also protects against insulin resistance. Its quality is beneficial for patients with type-1 and type-2 diabetes.

4. To lower blood sugar

 Drink half or one cup of juice on an empty stomach every morning.
 You should eat food made from it once a day.

5. Keep the blood clean by eating bitter gourd

It acts as a natural blood finder in the body and helps keep the blood clean. Unclean blood can cause symptoms such as constant headaches, allergies, fatigue, and a weakened immune system. It purifies and detoxifies the blood and helps treat blood disorders. It is also known to whiten the skin and relieve skin problems like pimples, psoriasis, and eczema.

6. Bitter gourd juice has benefits for the liver

These pharynges have hepatic properties useful for the health of the liver. It improves liver function and helps purify the blood. It is also able to excrete toxins from the liver.

When the liver functions properly, it reduces the risk of obesity, heart disease, chronic fatigue, headaches, digestive problems, jaundice, and other diseases. To keep the liver healthy, drink at least one cup of this juice a day.

7. Eating bitter gourd lowers cholesterol

The phytonutrients and antioxidants present in it are also useful in reducing the harmful cholesterol in our body. It reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and stroke.
Include it in your diet to improve heart health and lower cholesterol.

8. Strengthen the immune system by eating bitter gourd

Eating it regularly strengthens your immune system and gives the body the ability to fight disease. It also protects our immune system from free-radical damage.

To boost your immune system –
Include it in your daily diet and protect the body from serious diseases. You can drink one to two cups of tea daily. To make this tea, put 4-5 pieces of it in a pan in a cup of hot water. Drink this tea after five minutes.

9. Bitter gourd should protect against cancer

Its antioxidant properties protect the body from free radical damage. It can prevent cervical, prostate, and breast cancer. According to one study, it inhibits tumor growth. Add bitter gourd to your daily diet or drink its juice regularly to prevent cancer.

10. The benefits of bitter gourd are useful for weight loss

It is an excellent source of phytonutrients and antioxidants, which helps in weight loss. Reduces the amount of fat accumulated in the body by increasing the metabolism in carbohydrates. It is also a good source of fiber and low in calories. According to a 2012 study published in the Journal of Nutrition, its oil effectively reduces body fat. So quickly incorporate this into your daily diet and gain weight.

11. Eat bitter gourd to get rid of intestinal worms

It contains anthelmintic compounds that kill harmful insects in the gut. It removes the parasite and frees it from the toxins left in the gut after death.

To kill intestinal pests -

Drink half a cup of juice every morning on an empty stomach for a week. You can also take its seeds. Crush 5-10 seeds of a dried gourd and fry them in ghee. Take this twice daily for a week.

12. Get relief from hangovers by eating bitter gourd

If you are upset because of a hangover from drinking alcohol the next morning, eating bitter gourd will also solve your problem. It has anti-toxic properties, which remove toxins from the body and prevent liver damage due to alcohol.

Drink half a cup of juice to reduce hangovers. This eating is like "one pant, two kaj." It not only relieves hangovers, but at the same time, it reduces your alcohol addiction. To get rid of alcohol addiction, drink the juice of three teaspoons in a glass of strength every morning for a few months, and drink it on an empty stomach.

 13. Useful for bitter gourd hemorrhoids

Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make it a good diet for hemorrhoids. It also contains a lot of fiber, which makes the movement of the intestines regular and easy. It can relieve both hemorrhoids and frequent constipation. Put 2 tbsp glass of buttermilk in 2-3 tbsp pan. Mix it and drink it on an empty stomach every day for a month.

Side effects of bitter gourd

Just choose fresh and dark green when buying it. Avoid buying bitter gourd with yellow or orange spots or warm spots.
Always wash it with cold water before making bitter gourd or its juice.
To reduce its bitterness, soak its pieces in salt water for 10 minutes and then use it for cooking.

You can add honey, carrot, or apple juice to improve its taste. You need to eat as much bitter gourd as possible in a day. Excessive intake can cause mild abdominal pain or diarrhea. Pregnant women should avoid eating too much bitter gourd as it can cause premature birth.