Lotus root means lotus flower. Lotus root means aquatic plant in the family Nelumbonaceae. The lotus flower has been found in Asian countries for thousands of years. It is a symbol of purity and divine beauty. It is an essential element in many cultural practices and religions. This beautiful flower grows in ponds, streams, rivers, etc. Its roots are underwater, and its flowers and leaves are underwater. It is a perennial aquatic plant. Its seeds germinate long after dormancy.

It grows 4 feet underwater. They are removed, washed, cut, and prepared. It is readily available in the market. It is used as a vegetable in Asian cuisine and is called Kamalakkadari in Hindi. There are so many ways to cook it. It is also used naturally or in powder form in traditional herbal medicine. It is also used as a salad. It has a potato-like texture and a slightly sweet and coconut-like taste.

It contains vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, including potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, manganese, as well as thiamine, pantothenic acid, zinc, vitamin B6, vitamin C. Also; it is an essential source of fiber and protein.

11 Amazing Health Benefits of 'Lotus Root'(Kamal Kakdi) - Healthwould

1. Lotus root in the treatment of diabetes

It is high in fiber, which reduces the digestion of carbohydrates in the body. It slows down the absorption of sugar in the body. Therefore, it is considered an excellent diabetic food. According to research, it can be used in the treatment of diabetes. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help fight diabetes.

2. Lotus root for pregnancy

These are great for pregnant women. The nutrients in it are very beneficial for the development of the baby in the womb.

3. Benefits of lotus root to increase blood

It stimulates blood circulation to increase oxygen in your organs and increases efficiency and energy levels. The iron and copper in it help to increase the production of red blood cells and to meet the deficiency of blood as well as increasing consciousness and blood flow.

4. Lotus root blood pressure controlling benefits

It contains potassium, which maintains the balance of fluid in our body. It reduces the effect of sodium in the bloodstream. Potassium is a vasodilator. It relaxes the blood vessels and reduces their constriction and stiffness. It increases blood flow and reduces stress on the cardiovascular system. Potassium is also an essential component of nerve activity and maintains fluid and blood flow to the brain.

5. The lotus root is well digested

It has the right amount of fiber, which is very good for bowel movements. It reduces the symptoms of constipation and optimizes the absorption of nutrients through digestion and secretion of gastric juice. It stimulates peristalsis movements in smooth intestinal muscles for smooth and regular bowel movements.

6. Lotus root boosts the immune system

It is rich in Vitamin C. This powerful antioxidant vitamin C contains 100 grams of lotus, which is 73% of your daily requirement. Vitamin C is an essential component of collagen that maintains the integrity and strength of blood vessel organs and skin and boosts the immune system. Also, vitamin C can neutralize free radicals in the body that are dangerous by-products of metabolic cells and cause problems such as cancer and heart disease.

Potassium can widen blood vessels, and dietary fiber can lower cholesterol. The pyridoxine in it regulates the level of homocysteine in the blood, which can lead to a direct heart attack.

7. Use lotus root to lose weight

It also helps with weight loss. It is found in large amounts in nutrients and fiber and is very low in calories. Its intake provides essential nutrients and fills our stomachs in a short time, which helps us to avoid overeating and lose weight.

8. Lotus root properties in the brain

Pyridoxine is a component of the vitamin B complex that interacts with nerve receptors in the brain that have a direct effect on mood and mental state. It controls irritability, headaches, and stress levels.

9. The benefits of lotus root in eye health

It contains Vitamin A, which is essential in improving the health of skin, hair, and eyes. It is an antioxidant; it helps prevent macular degeneration and other conditions.

It heals wounds quickly, cleanses the skin, and helps reduce inflammation.

10. Lotus root properties keep the skin healthy

It acts as a skin conditioner as it is rich in antioxidants. Its use keeps the skin hydrated and moisturized and makes the skin soft and radiant. It helps in removing fine lines, brown spots, and wrinkles from the surface.

Its external use can balance oily skin and prevent pimples and breakouts. Its leaf paste helps to reduce skin inflammation and fever.

11. Benefits of lotus root for the respiratory system

According to research, the lotus root is beneficial for the respiratory system. It helps to purify the respiratory system and provide strength. Its tea substance is used to melt mucus to relieve cough. Its juice is beneficial for the treatment of TB and asthma.

Side effects of lotus root

It has no harmful effects. But eating it raw can spread parasitic or bacterial infections. That is why they should always be cooked; otherwise, problems like fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhea can occur. If anyone has it, don't eat lotus root.