'Sharpen your Brain' with this 13 significant tips(2020)

Your brain is continuously working since you were born. Your body rests even during sleep, but the mind never rests so that you can dream. 

You are thinking, memorizing numbers, giving words to write words, etc. For the brain is working that why it is essential to have a stable mind. 

In today's fast-paced life, your brain needs to respond at the right time to do more in less time. So let's learn some ways that will help increase brain power.

1. Meditate to increase your mind power

The brain has a complex structure. People think you can't affect the brain. But our research has shown about the underlying plasticity of the mind in which your mind can make neurons (a cell that sends messages to the mind).

Meditation increases the power of your mind in every way. It helps reduce stress, enhances your memory and your ability to concentrate. 

According to a study in the Frontier Journal of Human Insulin Science, the mind works best when exercised, enabling you to tolerate pain and emotion.

2. Working with the left hand develops intelligence

Using the left hand strengthens the nervous system in your brain and also creates new neurons. Just as exercise gives strength to the body and makes consciousness, so too, our mind becomes more energetic with the use of the left hand. 

Some studies have revealed that when we work with more used hands, only one part of the brain works. 

But when you work with a less frequently used hand, both parts of the brain are functional because the left side of your mind is connected to the left hand and the right side to the left hand.

3. Do brainstorming exercises

Exercise benefits health in every way. Exercises that increase strength for 20 minutes without any interruptions also strengthen your brain muscles, causing faster movement in the mind. 

Activity meets the oxygen needs of your mind, which also reduces the risk of memory loss diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. 

Strength exercises increase the effects of mind chemicals and reduce stress. The most important benefit of exercise is that it stimulates the formation of new neurons by stimulating neurologic joints. 

mind speed-boosting protein (BDNF protein) is 2% higher in exercisers than inactive people, which helps in decision making, higher thinking and learning.

4. Drink green tea to enhance memory

Theanine is an amino acid in green tea leaves. This acid neutralizes the stress-enhancing factor. According to Japanese research, it helps reduce anxiety and focus. 

Green tea has many benefits, one of which is to relieve fatigue as it contains caffeine which enables you to stay fit and active throughout the day.

5. Tetris is a perfect mantra to enhance memory

According to research from the University of California, playing Tetris increases the amount of grey matter found in the brain, which makes it easier to remember things for longer. Most neurons in the mind are found in this grey matter. 

Neurons are like muscles that can be strengthened. With the help of Tetris game, you can support these muscles of your mind, which helps in memory growth.

6. Do jogging to improve memory

According to one study, jogging increases blood flow, which gives your brain oxygen and nutrients it needs to speed up any work. 

One study found that a few days after starting jogging, many people started working faster. Regular physical activity can help improve your memory.

7. Taking a nap develops intelligence.

According to a German study, people who take short naps have 25 percent more memory than others. Short-term recollection occurs in the hippocampus region of the brain. 

The habit of taking naps transfers this memory to the neocortex (the part of the brain that can see and hear) where it stays safe longer.

8. Take vitamins to boost memory.

If you have Alzheimer's disease or you have memory problems, here are some vitamins and fatty acids to solve your problem. Vitamin B-12 and omega-3 fatty acids play an essential role in this.

Greens, eggs, meat and fish are rich in vitamin B. According to an Oxford study, eating fish produces the homocysteine amino acid, which in turn fills the gap in brain development with age.

Almonds (mostly peanuts and seeds) are rich in vitamin E, which prevents memory loss. Blueberries contain flavonoids that preserve your local memory. 

The antioxidants in chocolate also help boost memory. The chances of going crazy are low. So, include vitamins in your diet from today.

9. Drinking water increases the reaction time of the brain.

 The brain reacts more quickly to drinking water. People who are satisfied with water react 14 percent faster than those who are thirsty. It is said that if you are going for some important work or sitting for an exam, drink water first because it does not make you forget things. 

According to the Journal of Nutrition Research, when there is less dehydration, the body dehydrates its mind. Water is also essential for your mind to survive. 

Your urine can detect the amount of water in the body. If you haven't had many hours to urinate or your urine is very yellow, you may need to drink water.

10. Stay away from stress to move the mind.

Sometimes you forget the little things like, where the key was kept or what breakfast was in the morning and so on. It can be stressful to miss something in the short term. 

There are billions of things around us in a day, and it is simply impossible to remember them all. Still, when it is difficult to remember the essential things, the brain has difficulty moving from one thing to another at that time. 

It was due to stress. So stay away from stress by meditating as much as possible, listening to melodious music and keeping yourself busy.

11. What to eat to sharpen the mind

Keeping your brain working and in good condition depends on your diet, blood sugar and oxygen supply of essential nutrients.

There are many diets that you can include in your daily diet and increase your mental strength.

Taking five to eight grams of cinnamon powder daily removes the weakness of the mind and strengthens the mind.

12. Brahmi, speed up the mind.

Brahmi is a very famous medicinal plant of mindpower. Chewing one teaspoon of Brahmi juice daily or for seven days for two days makes the mind more intense.

13. Walnuts and raisins

Eating ten grams of raisins with twenty hot walnuts increases mind power and improves memory.

Flax seeds contain protein and fibre, so it is beneficial for the brain. Eat them regularly and get a healthy mind. Adding 20 grams of sesame seeds in jaggery increases brain power